4 Reasons Why A Spring Detox Is NOT For You!

4 Reasons Why A Spring Detox Is NOT For You!

The Spring Equinox officially starts in 5 days on March 20, and many of you might be thinking of whether you should be doing some kind of “Spring Detox”. I’m all for a good occasional internal clearing out, and while a “juice cleanse” or “fasting cleanse” might be beneficial for some people, for many others, you might actually be doing more harm than good...

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What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

What’s Stopping You From Achieving Your Dreams?

In my other life, I produce TV commercials in an ad agency. I usually never mix both my advertising and wellness worlds together on this blog, but as it’s International Women’s Day and I’ve just produced a spot for Nike that crosses barriers I hope you’ll find...

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Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Is A Nutritional Therapist Worth The Money?

Are you keen to eat healthy and stay in shape, but not sure if what you’re doing is right for you? Do you end up tired after a long day and reach for ready-made or takeaway meals most nights? Or maybe you feel you’re doing a pretty good job with your diet and fitness routines already, but you’re still exhausted, constantly bloated and wait, are you...

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How To Make a Ton of (Vegan-Paleo-Keto) Granola from One Recipe

How To Make a Ton of (Vegan-Paleo-Keto) Granola from One Recipe

If you can’t already tell, I’m BIG on breakfast. For the longest time, I’ve been in the “breakfast: most important meal of the day” camp. Now that I’m exploring a mix of ketogenic and intermittent-fasting principles, my point-of-view might shift...

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New Year "Intentions" vs. "Resolutions" + January Reboot

New Year "Intentions" vs. "Resolutions" + January Reboot


Where has the time gone, it's already 2017?!

I hope you had a good festive season, eating, drinking and being merry with friends, family and loved ones. Whenever it comes to the holidays and a little bit of indulging... "a little bit" is always OK. After all, we need to do things that are also good...

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5 Awesome Ways Plant Foods Boost You Through Your Day

5 Awesome Ways Plant Foods Boost You Through Your Day

I started this article as a guest-post in the newsletter for one of my favourite lunch delivery places in Amsterdam - Cropbox! Turns out I ran over their word count and wasn’t able to include a list of all the delicious plant foods you can get all these amazing nutrients from...

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