Chia Seeds & Breakfast-Of-Champions Smoothie


I could write an ode to Chia Seeds. That's how much I love them. And no, I didn't have a Chia pet as a kid if you think this is where this chia-seed-love comes from. Chia's amazing in smoothies. It's amazing as an egg-replacer in baking. It makes you feel full real quick, and some people use it to stave off hunger as a weight-loss trick (although I don't agree that's the right approach!) I have loads of marathon-runner friends who also down a spoonful of Chia with their morning smoothies before going out on their runs. They swear it gives them a major energy boost. So there you go.

Why I Heart Chia:

  1. It's super high in Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
  2. It's high in antioxidants.
  3. It's high in minerals - calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, maganese.
  4. It helps regulate insulin, so helps to even out your blood-sugar levels.
  5. It's highly fibrous and so yes - makes you rather "regular", if you know what I mean. I could also wax lyrical about the amazing poos you'll have with this, but OK... I won't. :)
  6. What I love about Chia is if you leave it sitting in water for a while, it starts to form this gelatinous film. So if you want a thicker smoothie, just let your blended concoction sit there for 10 minutes and let the Chia do its magic. It's this bulking/ gelling property of Chia that makes it great as an egg replacer/ binder in baking too. Use 1 part Chia Seeds to 3 parts water, mix together, let it stand for 1 hour. Then voila! That's your egg-replacer/ binder.
  7. It's gluten-free!!

Tadah!... Add it whenever you like to whatever smoothie you want. Here's one for today.



    • Spinach
    • Carrot
    • Parsley
    • Cucumber
    • Avocado
    • Sprouted mung beans
    • Chia seeds
    • Lemon juice from 1 lemon
    • Ginger
    • Water - add as much to get to your desired consistency

Chuck it all in a blender and add more water if it's still too gloopy. Enjoy!