Natural Anti-Virals: 15 Immune-Boosters to Keep those Winter Viruses Away!

We’re right bang in the middle of winter, and you might be one of the last few standing who hasn’t been hit with some kind of cold, flu or winter bug.

Couple this with what’s currently happening across the globe with coronavirus, it’s enough to give anyone the heebyjeebies! 

There are so many ways you can help to boost your immunity naturally, and if you’re looking at natural food sources or supplements, you want to look at those with these properties:

  • Anti-viral - helps keep the viruses at bay.

  • Antioxidant - helps to boost your body’s immune defences.

  • Immune-boosting - like antioxidants, they help boost your body’s immune defences.

Here are some other natural remedies to help you keep those winter viruses away!

Note: Viruses are different pathogens from bacteria, and though some anti-virals may also have anti-bacterial properties, not all anti-virals are also anti-bacterial. These are only recommendations for natural anti-viral boosters.

As with all natural remedies, always consult your medical practitioner if they’re right for you, especially if you’re on prescription medication. Many of these remedies may interact with medications. Most of these recommendations are also great as short-term immune boosters, but shouldn’t be taken chronically for long-term use as they may overstimulate your immune system.  

15 natural anti-viral immune boosters

1. Wash Hands with Soap

This might be a given, but so downplayed. Before touching your face or eating, always wash your hands with soap to remove/ reduce all potential nasties you might have picked up along the way!

2. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a suspension of pure metallic silver in water that’s used as an antimicrobial. There’s little scientific research to back up a lot of the claims, HOWEVER, there’s plenty of anecdotal reports of colloidal silver helping, especially when used topically. The belief is that colloidal silver interferes with the enzymes that allow a virus to utilize oxygen. 

3. Ginger

One of nature’s natural antivirals, ginger is great as a natural remedy. Have it fresh, as a tea, or use it in cooking to enhance your immunity.

4. Elderberry 

Elderberry, especially Sambucol, a black elderberry, has been researched to be effective against up to 10 strains of the influenza virus in-vitro. It helps the body produce and launch the inflammatory response needed to fight off some of these viruses. Plus, it’s delicious when taken as a tea or cordial!

5. Echinacea

Short-term use of echinacea, a flower is probably safe, but the long-term use is still yet to be determined. So only take echinacea whenever you feel like you may be coming down with something, or to help you reduce the length of time if and when you do get sick.

It can be taken as a tea, or as a herbal tincture for most effective use (rather than as tablet or pill form).

6. Garlic

This trusty kitchen cooking companion also has huge antiviral properties. Add extra in your cooking, or if you’re brave enough, crush a raw clove and down it neat. Feel something coming on? Crush a raw clove of garlic in your lemon-ginger-raw honey concoction for an extra booster.

7. Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract (from the leaf) is from a different part of the olive (the fruit) that we usually eat. It’s a huge antioxidant with anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties, researched to help with conditions as vast as herpes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, heart health, lowers blood pressure, reduces cancer risk.

8. Oregano Oil

The essential oil extraction from another trusted kitchen companion herb is a huge immune-booster. However, if you tend to have gut issues (eg. IBS, bloating, gut dysbiosis), then oregano oil may upset the balance of your gut flora too… so start with a low dose first to test your response.

9. Zinc

Zinc is another huge antioxidant and antiviral that helps our body’s natural defense system in boosting our immunity. An excerpt from the abstract of the linked research article:

“An abundance of evidence has accumulated over the past 50 years to demonstrate the antiviral activity of zinc against a variety of viruses, and via numerous mechanisms. The therapeutic use of zinc for viral infections such as herpes simplex virus and the common cold has stemmed from these findings; however, there remains much to be learned regarding the antiviral mechanisms and clinical benefit of zinc supplementation as a preventative and therapeutic treatment for viral infections.”

10. Vitamin C

Vitamin C has become another household name for boosting immunity - and for good reason! Beyond taking it in supplement form of ascorbic acid, you also take it in whole foods form. 

The fruit highest in vitamin C: acerola cherry, kiwi, guava, camu-camu, citrus fruit (orange/ lemon/ grapefruit). 

11. Raw Honey

The live enzymes in raw honey are what give it its immune-boosting properties, so don’t bother buying any of the processed honies that have been pasteurized (the high heat in pasteurizing kills off the live enzymes). 

12. Salt Water

Nasal irrigation (neti pot) and gargling with salt water were used in this research study and found to reduce the average length of a cold. Researchers say sea salt may work by boosting the cells’ antiviral defence that kicks in when they are affected by a cold.

13. Exercise - Keep Moving!

Regular exercise helps to keep you healthy and preventing illnesses (antiviral or not). Exercise helps to strengthen your immune system to help it fight both viral and bacterial infections. Of course, if you’ve already fallen ill, the best thing to do is REST and not exercise. 

Regular exercise should be used as a preventive measure to keep from falling sick.

14. Hydration

This NYT article elegantly describes the full process of how pathogens invade your body’s defense systems, and how and why water and staying hydrated can help you recover quicker. 

15. Have Fun - dance/ enjoy art/ get out in nature

Another great preventive measure you can take is to ensure you’ve got some down time. Even if it’s only 5 minutes - turn on the music at home on full blast and have a boogie… Get out at lunchtime and walk around the block for some fresh air and sunshine… If you’re able to walk or bike home through a park, get some nature or outdoors time in to help boost your immunity!

Hope these natural anti-virals help you boost your immune defences to stay healthy this winter.

Need Some Help?

If you’ve been struggling with “I HAVE NO TIME TO STAY HEALTHY!” and looking for some guidance on how to create your own personal rituals around the right nutrition and fitness activities that work for you - I can help.

Get organised, create and stick to your personal routines, so you can go onto do the magic things that matter in your life while looking and feeling amazing! (yes, it’s possible!) 

Read some of the results I’ve helped people achieve, then please feel free to contact me and see if any of my coaching programs might help you.