Upgrade Your Life, Boost Your Energy Through Nutrition, Fitness [Healthy Eating Happy Living Summit 2020]

If you’re looking to upgrade your life and boost your energy, the upcoming Healthy Eating and Happy Living Online Summit might just be the one event that’s going to help you.

Today, I interview Brianna Wilkerson, the amazing and inspiring lady who’s organising this event, and we’ll dive deep into how some of the upcoming talks at this event are gonna help you up-level where you’re at with your health and wellness. You’re gonna learn some step-by-step tools to create healthy habits with just a little bit of time.

Guess what? I’m one of the speakers at this summit too! We’ll get a sneak peek into what are some of the topics at this Summit that can help you manage the stress of your busy life, so you can live with more grace ease and flow - and hey isn’t that what this blog and channel are all about?

Sign Up to Attend the Healthy Eating + Happy Living Summit on 24 - 30 August, 2020!

No time to watch this 17-minute video? Read the transcript below.


Hi! I’m Jaime Tan at Enlightened Spoon. On this channel you’ll get nutrition, fitness and lifestyle tips just like today’s, and other times you’ll get yoga and meditation practices… all tools to help you stress less, yet achieve more. 

So if you’re into it, I’d appreciate if you’d hit that Like button and subscribe to my channel. And to find out more about this Healthy Eating + Happy Living Summit, I’ll put the link in description so you can head on over and sign up to join us!

It kicks off in just 2 short weeks on August 24th, 2020 - signing up is free for the duration of the 1-week summit, so you definitely wanna get in on this.  

And if you are watching this in the future, you can still get in on the action - just check the Summit link in description below for more information.

Without further ado, let’s chat with Brianna!

Welcome welcome Brianna, so excited to be talking to you today

Thank you so great to be here.

Now for those of us who might not be familiar with who you are or what you do, could you give us a short little intro of yourself?

Yeah! As she says i'm Brianna and I’m originally from the Cayman Islands but I currently live in Tampa, Florida right now. I have been doing my business health and life coaching and essential oils and all things health related for about four and a half years and it I kind of just really started out on my own journey which I think most women that I've met who have gone into the health and wellness field have I just really struggled with weight management and different eating issues for a long time.

And after trying everything… every diet known to man and just going through a whirlwind of experiences, really finding a pattern and ways to go about that sustainably that was really life-giving really just led me to think “man, maybe i can help other women because I know other women are struggling in the same way.

So I started Made Well which is the name of my business many years ago ,and I've just been going on a journey and serving different women through one-on-one coaching through group programs and multiple things and I think this is my fourth summit that I’ve hosted, so I just love collaborating with other health and wellness professionals because I think we all have something to offer and so I'm just really excited to kind of go forward from here.

I'm excited too there's a huge lineup that you've got in this summit coming up so maybe you could tell us a little bit more about the summit - what is it about, who it’s for, why did you create it?

Yes, so the Healthy Eating Happy Living Summit - i just thought about when I come back from maternity leave which I guess I'm sort of on maternity leave… I wanted to have a huge event that was fun and that could really educate a lot of women and again I love collaborating with other health and wellness professionals and I wanted to learn different things and I just think my audience and your guys' audience are just gonna benefit from this so this is for basically any woman you know. 

Most of the women that I serve are busy - they are professionals, they have kids whether young or older and they're just trying to find little nuggets to really help them to establish healthy habits to reach their goals for the long haul because many of us know that there are so many programs out there that promise you short-term results in a short amount of time but it takes drastic change and we don't have time for drastic change. 

So I really hope people leave this summit really figuring out one or two or three habits or little tips that they can start to incorporate them in their life post-summer and during this pandemic. Because I don't know about you but some people have been spending a lot of time taking care of their health during the pandemic and some people the opposite. And there's no judgment ,there's no shame - you have to do what you need to survive.

I was talking to a client who has three boys at home raising them, working and she's like “I really need to practice self care”. I'm like “yeah you do but give yourself some grace because you've had three kids, homeschooling them plus working for the last four months”... but you know things are kind of opening up now so how do we reset and so I wanted to launch this free event where people can be encouraged and get some free resources and tips and stuff like that too.

Yeah I love it you're absolutely right. I feel like with my clients it's hilarious because the people who have no kids are the ones that are like “I have more time, you know do self-care and do all the things for ourselves” and I don't have any kids so I completely relate to that but then those of us who have kids it's a little bit harder with the homeschooling and time management, not just your schedule but the little ones’ schedules as well and running a whole household.

Yes, I'm just really understanding that now as a new mom I'm like “oh I get it” when all the women are like “I have to do this for my kids, let's go to work…” I'm like “oh I get it now. You know total grace for you guys.”

Yeah! So on this channel we tailor health tips for busy people on-the-go... we have working moms, lots of creative types who work long hours… so who are some of the keynote speakers and the talks you think would most benefit the people who would love to manage their stress and anxiety levels but maybe don't have a lot of time

Yes! So when you're gonna go in and sign up for the summit, I've categorized the summit into five to seven main categories based on the work that I teach and the healthy habits that I teach to women: nutrition, exercise, stress management is one, sleep, digestion, toxic load, mindset, habits.

And then other areas of your life they all tie in together and so definitely if stress is the main thing that you're looking to kind of solve in this season I would definitely look at all the stress talks... 

But I do have an exercise at the beginning of the summit when you start - a welcome video to help you determine which talks you most need to listen to because let's just be honest you're not going to have time to listen to all of them unless you buy the lifetime access. 

And yes, the stress management ones I'm really excited about them we have Becky Brown talking about five tips to really manage your stress and you have different people talking about stress and emotional eating. 

I know Jenny Burke is doing that and a lot of people are taking their talks from an angle where they're talking about all the simple things and then bringing in stress management because as we all know when you're stressed, everything's out of whack. When you can be eating perfectly, exercising, even sleeping perfectly... but if you're so stressed then i'm just telling you it's going to wreak havoc on your body so there are definitely three or four talks around stress in particular but there are a bunch of other talks that could be helpful as well depending on what your other goals are, and of course your talk too!

Yes that's right - my talk it's about basically how to do all. the. things. in just like five minutes a day. 

I need that talk right now!

Ha! But like you say it's it's all about breaking it down into small, easy manageable steps because that's how you make it long-term and sustainable, because if you're gonna turn your whole world upside down you might get great results in four weeks but can you maintain it for the next four months, the next four years...

And I really resonate with what you said about a lot of it is about managing the stress levels because let's say you're eating the most healthy things in the world and you're working out, you're keeping fit but if you're constantly in this highly stressed, highly charged environment… You’re still not going to be digesting optimally because your digestion is just going to be on the edge the whole time, you are likely still going to be putting on weight because stress is going to really affect so much of your hormonal levels and in terms of losing weight is going to be so much harder as well.

So I love that all the speakers are are taking an angle into managing stress levels especially in this time right now when we all are trying to figure out “well okay what's next what is this new normal” right as we start to emerge out of lockdown wherever we are in the world

Right exactly. 

Great! So how do you think these talks that you've curated - all these topics in the summit… how will they benefit busy professionals?

I think what has been really cool and unique is whenever I go about looking for speakers I definitely start with women that I know, who are going to speak very highly in some topic or I ask for recommendations. But it's a huge array of topics so I think if you've ever been wondering how to particularly manage a particular area or wanting to learn more about something you might be able to find it here.

So for example intermittent fasting is huge right now and I've never really intermittent fasted for various reasons, but I want to learn more about it and we have Jennifer who's going to be doing a whole talk on it and that's all she talks about. She has a group of 30,000 people that she helps with intermittent fasting. So I definitely think if there've been things you've been wanting to learn about, this might be the summit for you… to learn more about it and start to incorporate those things.

But I also think when it comes to healthy living and habits we think we know we've got it down like we know what we need to do, but I think sometimes there is that one thing someone may say that may just open up your mind and help you realize you've been approaching it wrong or you could be approaching it better. 

So for example my friend Anya Perry is going to talk about nutrition for energy, she's all about really helping women eat well, do all the habits for energy purposes. And so as me right now, I don't have much energy in my life but I've never really pursued nutrition for energy before - it's always been just for nourishment or other things. I'm very curious about that, so i think it could open up your eyes... open up women's eyes to a lot of other things they've been wondering or maybe didn't know that they could incorporate into their routine to make things a little bit more simpler and doable for them. 

I love that you've got people who are completely knowledgeable, who have really refined their niches that you can really learn from. So looking forward to it!

So how long is this summit going to be for, when does it start? Tell us a little bit more about that?

Yeah it starts August 24th, I have it set for seven days so all the talks are going to air… you have five talks in one day and they'll continue to air for five days and then the last two days I always like to leave the weekend as... It's like encore days where if you miss some because you got busy or you know the weekend's better for you, you can just splurge. I mean it's over 10 hours of videos so maybe you can split it up over two days. 

But I think that's just going to help people really get it in.

It's from August 24th to August 30th.

That's amazing and it's a free summit right, for people? 

Yes, it's free during the week. So from August 24th to 30th you can watch all the videos, comment to win the giveaways and access all the resources for free. But if you're like me, I know sometimes I feel the pressure - I know that I'm personally not going to get through all of them and I want to get through all of them and so we have for the first time ever, I've allowed people to purchase it.

So if you want to purchase lifetime access to it, you could purchase and then watch it whenever you want. But there are also some bonuses to purchasing: you're going to get a workbook where you're going to get all the talks where you can write notes, the questions all that sort of stuff.

You can also enter into an Amazon gift card and then of course get lifetime access to all the videos, and so if you know that that's you and you just want the workbook or you want to win a gift card or you just know you want extra space and time then I suggest buying it. 

There will be three prices: there's an early bird price the first two weeks of promotion. And then there's going to be another price during the week. And then if you come across this video three months from now, you can use Jaime's link and you can buy it at a certain price too, so I definitely recommend if you're seeing this during the early bird price time to buy then. 

That's going to be the most cost effective for all these talks, because these are highly curated talks. Some talks actually went over 20 minutes a little bit and that's fine because the content is great so you're really going to want to keep these in your pocket to refer to.

That's amazing! And do you have the early bird prices already and what the actual summit prices are?

Yeah so the early bird price is going to be US$47, for 10+ hours of content.

During the summit, it's going to be US$67.

And then after it's going to be US$97 for the workbook, lifetime access and all that.

But again, if you buy either during the early bird or during the summit week, you can also enter into that free Amazon gift card and some other giveaways that I'm not going to share until later. 

That's amazing, what great value and actually the early bird price is almost half the price of the whole full summit price later so get in on it if you really are interested and curious and want to get all the freebies as well that go along with it.

Amazing! So where can we find out more about this?

If you just go to the show notes that Jaime has here, you can reach the link there and all you have to do is - I try to make it really simple - is just enter your name and email boom you'll be get access and it's already you'll be guided into signing in and you can then see the welcome video.

And I really suggest you watch the welcome video right away because that's just going to share more about the summit, that's going to guide you through an exercise on how to determine which talks you really need to listen to during the week and I just think it's gonna be the most beneficial.

And then there’s a link to the Facebook group too - because we're gonna have a Facebook group where you can join and comment on prizes that you want that these speakers are giving away: thousands of dollars of courses and sessions and all you’ve got to do is join the Facebook group, interact with us and comment so it's going to be a really fun, virtual party. A healthy virtual party for a week.

So all you gotta do is click the link in the video description and you'll be good to go

I love it! I love that social element as well to it because you know, if there's particular talks or speakers that you really enjoy, you can actually really interact with them and ask them more questions in the Facebook group as well.

It's great you're so organized! As a producer myself, I am just so impressed with how organized you've been this whole way like you've just had a baby and everything is… you clearly have experience in this and I'm impressed! I can't wait to see and watch all the other talks as well in this!

Any other last thoughts you have?

Yes! If you want to learn more about me or follow me, I'll give the links in the video description, but @madewell345 are all my handles on Instagram, Facebook and I'm not as active at the current moment on some of those you see a couple posts a day...

Fair enough, you're on maternity leave!

I know, I know. I tried to schedule them out but then you know sometimes I'm like… I miss everybody so if you just want to connect more… but I guess this summit is going to be the best way to connect and even if you're watching this and the summit's past, you can purchase it, you can still join the Facebook group and still interact with all of us.

Amazing! I'll put all of Brianna's links in the show notes in the description below as well. Thank you so much Brianna for joining us today. I'm really looking forward to this.

Thank you, me too. Thanks so much!

What Did You Think?

I hope you enjoyed that chat we had. Do hit that like button if you're looking forward to this summit. 

I'd love to hear what your thoughts are on which of the talks Brianna mentioned you're most interested in, so comment below!I I've put all the links we talked about in the description below including where to find Brianna and where to sign up for the summit, especially if you want to get in on the early bird special price.

And even if you're watching this in the future, do check the sign-up link in the description below because it's still available to be purchased.

If you're still not sure what an online summit is all about, stay tuned for my next video where I'll talk about how to get the most out of an online summit. 

Hit that subscribe button and ring that bell and I will see you in the next one!