New Year Goals Meditation 2024 | 15 minutes

New Year Goals Meditation 2024 | 15 minutes

This is a 15-minute meditation to help you set this year's New Year goals. We'll sense and feel from our heart space, so as to take us out of our "thinking mind"... so we’re really making this a heartfelt desire grounded from within, not what we think we ought to or should be doing.... but really what we innately desire intuitively, from our innermost being.

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PLAN WITH ME: New Year Goals 2024

PLAN WITH ME: New Year Goals 2024

It't not too late to PLAN WITH ME in this interactive new year goals and intention setting session for the new year! If your new year resolutions are non-existent right now, or if you're struggling to get into a groove with them, I offer up an easier way forward with these two journaling exercises. Grab your pen and notebook and let's get started!

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Morning Meditation: Sitting In Presence, Setting Intentions

Morning Meditation: Sitting In Presence, Setting Intentions

Start your morning by feeling into what is present today. We get quiet so that we can listen to what might be arising. From this quiet Presence, you'll feel into your intention for today. I hope this helps to nourish and support you through the rest of your day!

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I had a CREATIVE POWER HOUR everyday for 5 years. Here's what happened.

I had a CREATIVE POWER HOUR everyday for 5 years. Here's what happened.

How do you stop procrastinating and actually get things done? My secret weapon has been a CREATIVE POWER HOUR daily for at least the past 5 years. We break down what a "power hour" is, how you can create yours to reach the goals you set so you can finally live the life that makes you happy. I also share 4 techniques to help shape your power hour.

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You’re Meditating WRONG - 7 Mistakes

You’re Meditating WRONG - 7 Mistakes

Do you feel like you're "meditating wrong"? If you're always feeling like you're "failing" at meditation or can't get into a regular practice, I've got 7 common mistakes that you might be doing. Learn what the wrong ways to meditate are, so you know the correct ways to meditate properly and find inner peace.

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Empower Your Morning: Intention Setting Meditation

Empower Your Morning: Intention Setting Meditation

Start your day empowered by setting an intention this morning - all from the comfort of your bed! Lying down in this guided yoga nidra, we start with some gentle stretching to awaken the body, then we feel into your intention for the day. Use this as your guide to super-charge your mornings!

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Can't Sleep? Try THIS!

Can't Sleep? Try THIS!

Some nights, it's hard to get a good night's sleep. Rather than lying in bed and stressing out about "I CAN'T SLEEP!", which digs you further down the insomnia-hole, I've found listening to a guided relaxation often helps me relax and drift away to sleep. With gentle sounds of the rain outside and a quiet music track, helping to guide you into deep sleep.

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Do THIS to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! (for clarity, purpose, vision)

Do THIS to KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! (for clarity, purpose, vision)

How do you really KNOW what you WANT? Especially if you're second-guessing yourself or feeling stuck... finding clarity to know what exactly it is you really want can be hard. I have some techniques here to help you trust your Inner Guide and take those first steps to know what you want.

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