Can't Sleep? Try THIS!

Can't Sleep? Try THIS!

Some nights, it's hard to get a good night's sleep. Rather than lying in bed and stressing out about "I CAN'T SLEEP!", which digs you further down the insomnia-hole, I've found listening to a guided relaxation often helps me relax and drift away to sleep. With gentle sounds of the rain outside and a quiet music track, helping to guide you into deep sleep.

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Yoga Nidra for DEEP SLEEP in 30 minutes (relax and drift away)

Yoga Nidra for DEEP SLEEP in 30 minutes (relax and drift away)

If you're going through a busy, stressful period right now and can't shut your brain off at night - you might like to try this yoga nidra for deep sleep.

For the next 30 minutes, get relaxed and drift away as you're guided through a series of breath and body sensing techniques to help you relax mind and body, encouraging deep sleep.

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