7 Tips to Get the Most Out of Any Conference/ Workshop/ Event - In-Person or Online in 2020

In this video, I’ll be covering the 7 tips for you to get the most out of the Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit, running from August 24th - 30th in 2020.

But these tips also work for any event/ talk/ masterclass/ workshop that you attend in-person or online.

Since you’re spending the time and money on your personal development, you might as well make it count.

So stick around till the end for all 7 tips, ad sign up for the Healthy Eating + Happy Living Summit too!

No time to watch this 7-minute video? Read the transcript below!


Hi! I’m Jaime Tan at Enlightened Spoon. I’ll be one of the 32 speakers at the upcoming Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit, so you wanna watch out for my talk. It’s all about how to create time in your busy day to do All. The. Things. With just 5 minutes daily. Sign up to come join us for free.

In next week’s video, I’ll give you more of a sneak peek into my Summit talk… and on this channel you’ll get nutrition, fitness and lifestyle tips just like today’s, and other times you’ll get yoga and meditation practices… all tools to help you stress less, yet accomplish more. So hit that Like button and subscribe if you want more like this.

Upgrade Your Life!

In my last video, we talked to Brianna Wilkerson, host of the upcoming Healthy Living and Happy Living Summit about what to expect and how we can benefit from the 32 talks covering nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep, digestion, toxic load, mindset and healthy habits for a healthy and happy life.

What is an Online Summit?

What this summit or any other online summit is, is essentially an online version of a conference. A group of experts gathered together giving talks around a certain theme. In this case - healthy eating and happy living.

So this Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit 2020 is free to watch for the duration of the event, but paid-for if you want lifetime access and a bunch of extras and freebies you’ll get.

Since you’re taking the time to listen to some of these talks, you wanna ensure you’re making the most of your time. I’m all about productivity and time-efficiency. 

My 7 Tips:

Here are my 7 tips to get the most out of this Summit, or any other event/ masterclass/ webinar that you attend:

1. Bring an Open Mind 

Sometimes we might have heard some of the themes or topics before, but often it just takes that one person to say a similar thing in a slightly different way before it actually clicks and unlocks something new in the understanding of our own behaviours.

So bring an open mind and rather than thinking of “this won’t work for me”, reframe it to “how can I make this work for me?” 

See what a difference in mindset shift it makes - to make you more open to exploring and engaging?

2. Schedule Time In Your Diary

There will be about 5 talks launched a day, between 10 - 20 minutes in length each. So set aside the time each day, schedule it in your diary, so you make the time to actually watch these videos daily during the summit.

Even if you don’t have an hour a day - you might not even want to watch ALL the videos in the line-up anyway. So look through the line-up and pick the 1 or 2 talks daily that really interest you, and take that 20 - 30 minutes of your day to watch your preferred.

3. Turn Off all Notifications On Devices

Along with making the time to watch the talks, you want to dedicate the headspace to focusing on them. 

Turn off all the notifications on your devices, so you can really WATCH the talks, not multi-tasking as you’re watching!

4. Close All Other Browser Tabs

Along the same lines, close down all your other browser tabs, so the only open tab is the screen you’re watching. You’re simply removing all other distractions in front of you.

5. Bring Your Notebook/ Journal to Take Notes

Writing things down helps you understand and retain the information more deeply.

It’s also the difference between passively listening to a talk versus actively engaging in thinking of “how can I make this work for me?” 

Do you do this when you’re at any in-person or online events? Would love to know whether you stay actively engaged in the learning process or whether you’re more of the passive observer. No judgment, we’re all different as learners, and I’d love to know how you approach this in the comments below. 

6. Engage with the Speakers/ Other Attendees

Whether it’s online or in-person, it’s always a good idea to talk to not only the speakers, but some of the other attendees too. You’re all there for the same reason, so you know this is a group of people with similar interests. 

You can share your experience, inspiration, or thoughts from the various topics discussed - and who knows what else that might spark in your life from there.

This summit has a Facebook group for all participants and speakers to hang out in… so just like at an in-person event, you might walk up to the few speakers you really enjoyed to engage in dialogue with, you can do the same at this Healthy Eating and Happy Living Summit! 

Spend time in the Facebook group asking any questions you might have. Make friends in the group as some of the other attendees could become your accountability buddies too.

7. Include Reflection Time

Spend another hour at the weekend or at the end of the summit reflecting on what your key takeaways are. Pick the ONE thing that really resonated with you, and think of how you will put this in action for the next few weeks.

Because truthfully - how often have you walked away from an event or conference feeling inspired and fired up, but then not really putting any plan in action to what you’ve learned? Cut to a few weeks later - and life is back to where it was before.

If you don’t take the time to reflect and think about how you’ll make a change in your life… nothing changes if nothing changes!

To find out more about this Healthy Eating + Happy Living Summit - it’s free to attend during the week from August 24th - 30th, or pay for lifetime access including lots of extra goodies:

So - am I gonna see you there? Tell me in the comments below! 

In next week’s video, I’ll give you a little sneak peek into what my talk is gonna be about… creating time in your busy day to do. All. The. Things - with just 5 minutes daily. So hit that subscribe button and bell next to it so you know when it drops next week.

Need More Help?

If you need more guidance on when, how and WHAT to eat to better manage your crazy, busy life - my 12-week program to help you stress less yet accomplish more might be what you need.

I offer a free session to help you figure out how to personalise the nutrition, fitness and other lifestyle rituals that can help support your busy, stressful life. Book your 45-minute Breakthrough Session here: