How to Give Your Mind a Break to Help Boost Creativity

How to Give Your Mind a Break to Help Boost Creativity

Being in the creative world of advertising, I can see how piling on too much work and stress can be to the detriment of good ideas. Of course we all need a good deadline to light a rocket up our backsides, but there’s a delicate balance between working to a timeline and trying to squeeze in too many things to do in 24 hours.

How many great ideas have actually come to you while sitting at your desk, in a meeting or on a phone call?

You most likely had some of those ideas while you were in the shower, on your commute, or somewhere in those in-between moments of life.

I’ve been chewing on this and have some thoughts, tips and inspiration I’ve pulled together from various places. Watch this video:

Then sign up for this month’s 5 Good Things To Share! to get this month’s tips on how to create space to expand into mind, body, soul.

Need More Help?

If you’ve been struggling with “I HAVE NO TIME TO STAY HEALTHY!” and looking for some guidance on how to create your own personal rituals around the right nutrition, fitness and mindfulness activities that work for you through your crazy, busy life - maybe I can help.

Get organised, create and stick to your personal routines, so you can go onto do the things that matter in your life while looking and feeling amazing! (yes, it’s possible!) 

Read some of the results I’ve helped people achieve, then book a free 30-minute call and let’s chat if I may be able to help you.