[ EPISODE 2 ] Livestream Guided Meditation: Wellbeing Through Body + Breath

Any time throughout your day you start to feel a little tense, anxious or nervous, you can easily calm your nervous system down by focusing on your body and breath.

By calling out the various body parts, different sections of your brain light up, and we start to relax into the various physical/ emotional/ cognitive parts of ourselves.

The breath is also another great tool that can show you where your mind is at.

  • Is your breath short and shallow? Your mind is likely active and bouncing everywhere with thoughts.

  • Is your breath deep and long? Your mind is likely calm and quiet.

A few simple techniques in today’s meditation that you can access any time during your busy day - take 5 or 10 minutes in the middle of your day, pop this meditation on, and feel yourself physically, mentally, emotionally relax and release.

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If you enjoyed this meditation, you might also find my 5 mind + body tips helpful to live your busy life from a place of ease, grace and flow. Simple, easy reminders and inspiration that it’s possible to calm down and stay relaxed even through all the s**t life throws your way. ;)