3-Part Sabbatical Series: Everything You Need to Know About Why + How to Take Extended Time Off From Work

I wrote a 3-part series on taking a sabbatical. It’s everything you need to know on why you need a sabbatical, what kind of timeout you’re looking for, and how to start planning your sabbatical. 

How and why to take an extended time off from work. Sabbatical planning.

What is a sabbatical?

It’s essentially an extended time off from your regular day-to-day life. Way more than your average 1 or 2 week vacation you might take in any given year. 

On average, sabbaticals could range from 6 weeks up until 6 months or a year - giving you a timeout from your regular programming, so your mind and body are able to calm down, maybe even get bored (so rare these days!), so you can turn your attention to focusing on other things in life that might mean something to you.

You might not even feel like you need one at the moment, but here are 3 articles on why you might want to consider giving yourself an extended break, and how you can start going about planning it. 

Here are the 3 parts to this sabbatical series:

I hope this helps to start you thinking about whether you need to give yourself a bit of a timeout and how you can go about it. And please share this with anyone you know who may benefit from this.  

Alternatively, if you feel like you need a timeout but not ready for an extended break yet - join Eleni Meraki and me in early 2020 for a one-day retreat where we’ll help you re-connect and re-focus on the things that are important to you.

This is a day especially curated for you to regroup and reorganise your mind, body, heart and soul - emerge from the day feeling balanced, inspired and ready to use the tools and frameworks that will help bring you more calm and less anxiety in your busy life.

Pre-register to hear more about the event here.

See you there? :)