9 Reasons to Attend Reconnect: Day Retreat


Due to personal circumstances, we have decided to reschedule this event till the new year, in the first quarter of 2020. We apologise for any inconvenience caused, but we definitely would love to have you there with us in the new year. If you’d like to be kept informed of our new event date, pre-register here.

Taking time out from your regular life to attend a retreat or workshop is good for you. You develop new ideas, learnings and relationships that can have a big impact on how you view your life and reassess the things that are important to you.

But deciding on which retreats or workshops to attend can be a challenge. Not only is there the price of your ticket to consider, you may also need to think about travel, accommodation, food - and time spent away from your family and friends.

A quick recap of my Reconnect: Day Retreat: It’s a one-day workshop that walks you through how to achieve and maintain balance in your busy life - you create your own blueprint of what this means to you with the tools and frameworks we give you. 

It’s specifically designed for anyone who realises it’s important to pause and rest, but hasn’t managed to effectively do so… anyone who feels like they’re running on empty, with an ever-growing to-do list and starting to feel like they’re forever trying to keep up… but most of all, anyone who wants to experience a deeper connection with her/himself on all levels. 

Included in your ticket is:

  • One day of workshops full of super practical lifestyle tools, nutrition and fitness tips, mindset techniques and exercises you can start using straight away.

  • A notebook and worksheets to help you plan out your personal framework.

  • A delicious healthy lunch, coffee, tea and snacks throughout the day.

  • 4 different recordings from this day retreat you can listen to any time at home to instantly rebalance.

  • Goodie bag filled with some of our favourite things and exclusive discounts.

  • Exclusive admission to our private Facebook group to get ongoing support.

No more trawling the web for inspiration for blog articles, social media updates or ideas and trying to figure out “but will this really work for me or is this just generic info?” 

You can pre-register at this link to be kept updated of when we launch this event.

Here are nine reasons to attend Reconnect: Day Retreat in Amsterdam, Netherlands: 

1. You’ll learn about which foods to eat and which to avoid, especially in stressful times.

If you’ve ever wondered what to make of all the nutrition advice out there, and what works best for you - eg. should you go gluten-free, vegan, paleo, keto, and which is actually best to help you maintain balance, this is the event for you. You’ll learn which foods to eat and which to avoid, but more importantly WHY… so that you can prevent energy spikes and crashes throughout the day - preventing you from reaching for those unhealthy snacks in the middle of the afternoon.

Along with the list of foods to eat and which to avoid, you continue to get support in our private Facebook group after the event, so I can help you with more advice if there are certain things that still don’t work for you. 

2. You’ll learn about which fitness activities are best, how hard to push yourself, and what to do when you really have no time for a workout.

You’ve tried time and time again to get on the workout train, but keep falling off. Maybe you have a great streak when things aren’t so busy, but the minute things get busy again, you fall off that workout train. It happens to the best of us.

Get tips on what kinds of trainings to do, how often to do it, but most importantly… when you REALLY have no time, what else works instead? No more feeling guilty when you don’t manage to get to the gym.

3. You’ll learn about emotional health - how to identify the differences between emotions and feelings, and how to actually change the way you feel while still staying true to yourself.

Emotions aren’t something we’ve been taught how to manage. So often, we either suppress the way we feel or negate the way we feel because “it’s not how I’m supposed to feel”. Learn how to tap into the depth of feelings and emotions within you. And learn how to manage the way you feel, along with different techniques on how to release stuck emotions. Don’t let your emotions get in the way of who you truly are!

4. You’ll learn about your subconscious and conscious mind workings, limiting beliefs and how to overcome them, and exercises to become aware of how you are not your thoughts.

Learn all about your thoughts and thinking patterns, and how they may be holding you back from the things you really want to achieve in life. Identify your subconscious and conscious mind workings, helping you overcome whatever limiting or negative thought patterns you might have fallen into, and learn how to reprogram your thoughts to be aligned with who you really are.


5. You’ll learn how to connect back to yourself again.

We’ll discuss what it means to connect to “Self”, and how it differs from person to person. We’ll suggest lots of different ways of how you can begin to explore this, depending on what it means to YOU. More importantly - why this is so important, and how you can begin to to make time for this.


6. You’ll learn many different approaches to meditations.

If the thought of “meditation” fills you with dread, never fear! We’re here to show you just a small snippet of the many different styles and ways into meditation. Because we’re all wired so differently, what meditation style works for me might not work for you, but the beauty is that there are a myriad choices.

And actually - this might be what’s tripping you up too: how the heck do you even begin, and where do you start? We will show you how. And don’t worry, we will NOT be sitting on the floor in uncomfortable cross-legged positions, and we certainly won’t be “omm”-ing. ;)

7. You’ll have worksheets to help you plan out your personal framework. 

It’s one thing to attend an event or talk and just sit there and passively listen to the content being discussed. It’s quite another to be actively engaged and figure out how you’ll use this information in your own life - how you’ll adapt it and figure out what works for you. 

We are designing this in a workshop format because we want you to walk away from this day with a plan of how you’ll be implementing this in your own life, so you get maximum benefit from this day! (and if all else fails, don’t forget we have the private Facebook group where you can reach out for more personal attention). 

8. You’ll learn from two coaches who walk the talk

We are two coaches who have “been there and done that”, and continue to help people find balance in their busy lives. We will share practical advice that you can use straight away in your everyday life.

Eleni is a hypnotherapist and women’s coach, founder of storytelling platform Guts & Tales and the women’s transformational program Be Your Own Muse. She exchanged her fast-paced corporate career and life in Amsterdam to live a life more true to herself, doing what she loves, in Greece.

Jaime (me!) is the founder of Enlightened Spoon - a naturopathic nutritionist, yoga teacher and reiki master; whilst also being a full-time Executive Producer in the advertising industry. She uses all her training in holistic health to keep her sanity in ad-land, and now also teaches others how to find balance on their own terms.


9. You’ll learn and share with a small group of like-minded people, helping to support and inspire you on your personal growth journey.

We’re keeping this group limited to 20 people at the maximum, as we believe that we learn from sharing in the stories of others. It’s a powerful way to connect, plus you will learn so much more than if you were trying to figure this out on your own. Make new friends and meet people you may want to collaborate with in the future (eg. “accountability buddies” - go to the gym or meditate together, with other like-minded people).

We’ve also scheduled lots of breaks in between sessions, so you’re able to be social and talk about what you’ve learnt. If you need time to decompress, there are also plenty of other breakout room spaces in our beautiful venue for you to have some “me time”, or you can head out for a walk down the beautiful canals of Amsterdam. So don’t worry!

If you need to, continue to find support within the group after the event, in our private Facebook group.

Want to attend our Reconnect: Day Retreat in the first quarter of 2020 in Amsterdam?

Pre-register here.