Why You're Still Exhausted and Headed Towards Burnout (And What to Do Instead)

In today’s video, I’m gonna explain why you’re STILL exhausted and headed towards burnout, but most importantly - what you can do about it instead! I’ll take you through the 4 things that you’re probably doing that are keeping you in exhaustion, heading towards burnout… versus the 3 things that you CAN do instead to turn things around so you’re consistently eating and moving healthy, getting enough sleep so you get more energy! 

If you prefer to read, here’s the transcript of what’s in the video:

Maybe you’re a solopreneur managing all the things in your business… or you’re at a creative agency, tackling briefs to help make the world a better place… and if you’re a parent and managing a household of other people on top of all of this… RESPECT. You’ve got a lot going on.

It’s all too easy to dismiss that constant exhaustion as simply “there’s nothing I can do about it”... I just have to suck it up, coz that’s what life is all about.

Is it though? What kind of life is that? 

Plus - if you don’t do anything about it NOW… your body is going to struggle with trying to keep up with pumping out your stress hormones - adrenaline and cortisol - with chronically high stress levels. And over time... this leads to what’s called “adrenal fatigue”... where you can’t produce enough stress hormones to even get you out of bed. And this is when more serious issues, the likes of chronic fatigue syndrome, start to happen.  

What I see a lot of with my coaching clients, and maybe this applies to you too... is the following: 

1. You don’t have a proper plan or structure in place for managing your day-to-day… in both your home-life and your work-life.

You’re simply spinning the plates, and dealing with the next emergency or fire you need to put out.

When you’re constantly in reactive mode like that, you’re keeping yourself in this high alert - high stress mode. “What’s next, what’s next…” you’re not giving mind and emotions any rest without some kind of structure in place, for both home-life and work-life.

2. You don’t know where to begin.

And maybe part of the reason could be because you’ve been so busy spinning those plates, you don’t have the energy to really sit down and think about how and when and where to begin.

And when you start to think about it… it could be kind of daunting… “oh my god Jaime, I already have SO MUCH TO DO… I don’t have time to add on MORE new stuff on my to do list…” even though they’re “healthy things” you know you need to be doing!

3. Something always seems to get in the way of creating healthy habits.

You try to meal-plan, or schedule that workout… but somehow, something last minute always seems to come up at work… or the dog’s sick and you have to take care of that… or some other emergency comes up, and then that’s it. “There goes my plan!” 

You know what I’m talking about. ;) 

4. What SHOULD you be doing?

There’s just so much info out there… on the nutrition front, vegan’s supposed to be healthy, right? Or maybe it’s paleo, or keto, or maybe I should be gluten-free or do intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating… 

On the fitness and movement front, high cardio’s gonna burn more calories and help you lose weight, right? But you’re already soooo tired… a long run or that HIIT workout or TABATA training seems to be exhausting you more than it’s energising you. 

Or maybe I’ll just dabble in “a little bit of this… a little bit of that”... and cut to 4 weeks later… nothing’s really stuck, or it’s just too difficult, or you dismiss it as “it just doesn’t work for me.

Sounds familiar?

I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to:

  • Get yourself back to that place where you’re getting deep sleep, so you wake up refreshed and renewed.

  • Eat the right foods at the right times that keep your energy levels high and at a steady rate… no more brain fog and muddy thinking by 3 in the afternoon. 

  • Sort your fitness levels out so you’re feeling stronger, fitter and maybe lose a little bit weight while you’re at it.

Here’s how: 

1. Make YOU Your Priority

Too often, we spend so much time taking care of the people around us, that we often forget about “what do I need?” 

Have you taken the time to think about:

  • What do I really need?

  • What do I enjoy?

  • What is it that lights me up that I know I need to do more of?

It’s YOUR LIFE. No one else is going to take care of you. You’ve gotta take care of YOU. So make YOU your priority. 

2. Get Help

If you don’t know where to begin - get help.

So many coaches, doctors, therapists, trainers, teachers, speakers, authors, counselors have written and/ or recorded their life’s work to be able to help you on a host of topics from nutrition through to fitness, energy work, mindset techniques… all components that can help you deal with your stressful life. So many of them have free and paid-for resources available to you. 

Start looking into what resources are available to you. 

  • Blogs are free.

  • Podcasts are free.

  • Books are relatively inexpensive.

For creating healthy habits, check out the behaviour design work of: 

For stress management, check out the work of:

3. Shorten Your Learning Curve

All of the resources mentioned before are great if you want to do-it-yourself. 

It might take you a little bit more time this way, as there’ll be some trial and error involved… you might start then stop again, with no one or nothing to keep you accountable. 

Or along the way, you might just have more questions about the why, what and how to refine the process so it works for YOU… since we’re all individuals and not everyone will react the same way to the same suggested plan from a book/ blog/ podcast.  

If you want to shorten your learning curve - seek help from an expert. Someone who’s been there, done that, with the experience helping others get there… and you could speed up the process for yourself too.

DIY might take you anywhere from a year to a few years, whereas working with someone might reduce that time down to a few weeks or months.

Especially when it comes to stress management, no restorative therapy can work unless you stick to it long enough within a framework, to see if it’s going to be effective.

Need More Help?

If you’ve been struggling with “I HAVE NO TIME NOR ENERGY TO STAY HEALTHY!” and looking for some guidance on how to create your own personal rituals around the right nutrition and fitness activities that work for you to better manage your crazy, busy life - I’m here to help.

I offer a free 45-minute Breakthrough Session to help you get clear on what’s not been working for you and what you want out of your health and wellness instead. Let’s chat if I may be able to help you get rested and get your energy levels back to high vibes.

Read who I help, what my 12-week program to help you stress less yet accomplish more includes, and book your free 45-minute Breakthrough Session today.