5 Reasons You're Ready to Up-Level Your Health And Make It a Priority!

Happy 2020! It’s about this time of year when yoga studios, gyms and fitness centres are rammed full of people, ready to take action on their new year’s resolutions.

But will you be one of those who makes it through consistently till the end of the year, or will you not even make it to the end of January?

Whether your new year intention is to start eating healthier/ exercising more/ meditate more or < insert new healthy habit here >, how do you know if you’re REALLY ready to make your health your priority this year?

Are you ready to up-level your health and your life? 

Here are 5 considerations:

5 reasons you're ready to up-level your health and make it a priority!

1. You keep doing the same things, without different results

You’ve been eating the same way, exercising the same way, or trying to meditate with the same technique but nothing has changed. You’re not losing weight/ getting toned/ feeling less stressed.

If you’ve been doing things the same way but expecting different results… well then - it’s definitely time to change the way you’re doing things!

2. You’re mixing up what you’re doing, without any change

Perhaps you’re the opposite of the above - you’ve been trying All. The. Things. Mixing up your diet, mixing up your trainings - coz hey, variety is the spice of life and that’s what “they” say you should be doing right?

Well… how’s that working out for you?

If you’re seeing the results, then great! Keep going. If you’re not, then - it’s definitely time to change the way you’re doing things!

3. You’re not consistent with your actions

You think you’ve got a good plan in place - from that meal plan you’ve Googled from the internet, those YouTube fitness training videos, and all the meditation apps you’ve downloaded on your mobile phone.

But. Where in the world are you going to find the time to put all these new changes in place?! Maybe it’s been working the first few weeks when work has been quiet, but now that things are getting busier - the first thing to go is exercising, and then weekends become more precious and you’d rather chill than do your weekly meal-prep. And morning meditations - wait, what was that again?

If you’re still not consistent with your actions - it’s definitely time to change the way you’re doing things! 

4. You’re don’t have a clear, tailored plan that works for you

You’ve been doing a hodge-podge of different things you’ve read from different blogs/ articles/ books. You think it’s working, or maybe it works for a while, but you’re not sure anymore if you’re seeing any difference.

But seeing as we’re all so individual, you’re not really sure if this is the right diet/ exercise/ meditation plan for you - it’s definitely time to change the way you’re doing things!

5. You still have questions on the details

Because we ARE all so different and unique, not everything that works for me is going to work for you. Maybe out of all the different things you’re reading on Well+Good / mindbodygreen / LiveStrong to help you keep calm and stress less, you still have questions on the details and how you may need to adapt some of the mind + body practices for you and your unique situation.

If you still have questions on the details - it’s definitely time to change the way you’re doing things!

It’s Time to Make Your Health Your Priority!

If any of the above sounds like you and you’re ready to change the way you’re doing things to finally make your health a priority - it’s time to work with someone who can help you.

As an Executive Producer in one of the top ad agencies in the world who’s also coaching other high achievers to return to balance - I feel you. Using my health and wellness training, I've learnt to navigate what it takes to live a high performance life from a place of grace, ease and flow through nutrition, movement and lifestyle practices.

I've designed a wellness coaching program to help the overworked, over-stressed creative or executive gain better sleep, wake up sharp and stay focused and energised throughout the day - without needing copious amounts of caffeine to power through.

The result? A balanced, centred you who looks and feels better - able to find the time to “fit it all in” so you're more productive than you've ever been, without feeling close to burnout.

I’m taking on a few coaching clients from January 2020 again. Book a free 30-minute call to discuss if we can help you find a better way of living. 

  • Book your free 30-minute call, or contact me for questions here.

  • Read some of my previous client results here.

  • Who am I? Read this.

I look forward to chatting with you!

PS. This doesn't sound like you? Then forward this to someone you know who may benefit from this. Sharing is caring. <3